A Shared Vocabulary for Communicating Movement, Technique, and Expression

Ballet terminology, with its precise and evocative phrasing, is an essential component of the ballet lexicon, giving dancers a shared vocabulary for communicating movement, technique, and expression. These expressions, which are rooted in the French language and impacted by centuries of ballet tradition, may be traced back to Renaissance Europe’s courts as well as the big ballets of the 17th and 18th centuries. These phrases serve as the foundation for ballet technique and artistry, allowing dancers to express themselves gracefully, precisely, and beautifully on stage.


Slow, lyrical movement. The ‘adagio’ section of ballet class may include partnering or high développés above 90°.


Rapid tempo motions, which frequently incorporate jumping steps. Petit allegro features smaller jumping steps while grand allegro involves expansive jumps like grand jeté.


One leg is extended behind the dancer’s body at 90° or more, necessitating hip and spine hyperextension, ankle-foot plantarflexion and knee extension.


A technique in which a dancer’s feet or legs come together in the air before landing on both feet. It can be done from the front, back, above, below, and so on. The working leg is swept into the air while simultaneously pushing off the supporting leg, the feet or legs touch together in the air, and typically lands in fifth position demi-plié.


A step where one foot chases the other. The leading foot slips forward into fourth (or sideways into second), while the stance limb draws up to it in the air with a spring from the floor, allowing the leading foot to land in fourth (or second). It’s used as a transitional step.


A sliding ballet movement in which the dancer jumps from the fifth position and lands on the toes or the balls of the feet in the second position.


A turn with a quick whip-like motion of the raised, working leg. It’s usually accompanying a pirouette.


A powerful, quick sweeping leg “kick” with the knee extended and foot pointed. Performed to the front, side, or rear, starting at the first, fifth, or point tendu.


A “throwing step” involves jumping from one foot to the other. The forward leg battements to the front, while the other leg moves in arabesque.


In ballet, a pas de deux is a dance duet in which two dancers, usually male and female, perform ballet steps together.


A whirling motion on one foot or on the tips of the toes, typically with the raised foot touching the knee of the supporting leg.


A technique in which a dancer bends and straightens their knees, usually with their feet turned out and their heels firmly planted on the ground. There are two types of pliés: A grand plié (full knee bend) and demi-plié (knees bend about half as deep as a grand plié).


The general arm positions that bring strength and balance to the trunk while also acting as a gesture or enhancement of focus.


A move in which the heels rise off the ground and the dancer balances on the top of the toes.


A move in which the leg and foot stretch to point in a specific direction while the foot remains on the floor.


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